Mexico - SweFOR - Movimiento Sueco por la Reconciliación


We amplify the space of action for human rights defenders who are threatened

SweFOR has had peace observers in Mexico since 2000 and an office with permanent presence since 2013.

The office is located in San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, and our activities there are financed principally by the Swedish ecumenical organization SMC.

Work methods

We believe in protection through physical presence, strategic communication and workshops on self protection.

Read more about our work methods

Human Rights Defenders that we accompany

We accompany various organizations that work for territorial rights, the environment and access to justice.

Read more about the human rights defenders we accompany


We publish news about human rights defenders that we accompany and our relevant facts related to our work.

Read the latest news from SweFOR Mexico


Communicate with our office in San Cristóbal de las Casas